Financial Leasing Factoring and Financing

Istanbul Finance Center (IFC), provides a strong platform for financial leasing, factoring and financing services, leading the growth and diversification of these sectors.


Financial Leasing:IFC provides a modern infrastructure to organizations that develop financial leasing solutions to meet the long-term asset needs of businesses. Thus, companies can contribute to economic growth while managing their capital efficiently.

Factoring Services:IFC offers a suitable business environment for factoring companies that help businesses optimize their cash flows. These services are especially critical for meeting the short-term financing needs of SMEs and expanding their commercial activities.

Financing Solutions:IFC brings together innovative financing options for both individuals and businesses. Solutions such as consumer loans, project finance and commercial loans increase diversity in the financing sector and provide opportunities for investors.

IFC's specialized ecosystem in these fields creates a competitive environment in the financial sector, making Türkiye a center of attraction in these fields.