Financial Service Export

Income generated from financial services export activities will be fully deductible from the corporate income tax base until 2031. After 2031, the deduction rate will be 75%.
*** Applicable until 2031, thereafter deduction rate will be 75%.

Financial Liabilities

Transactions and funds received by financial institutions for activities related to the export of financial services are exempt from the Banking and Insurance Transactions Tax (BSMV).
All transactions related to financial service exports, as well as any documents issued for these transactions, are exempt from stamp duty and all associated charges.

Stamp Tax and Fee Exemption for Real Estate Leases
All transactions related to real estate leasing within the IFC are exempt from charges, and any documents issued for these transactions are also exempt from stamp duty.

Income Tax for the Personnel

Personnel with at least five years of professional experience abroad will have 60% of their real net monthly wage exempt from income tax..

Personnel with at least ten years of professional experience abroad will have 80% of their real net monthly wage exempt from income tax.
*** Subject to the condition that the relevant personnel have not been employed in Türkiye within the last three years prior to commencing work at an Istanbul Financial Center (IFC)-based company.

Stamp Tax and Fee Exemption for Immovable Leases
All transactions related to the financial services exports will be exempt from all charges and all papers issued for these transactions will be exempt from stamp duty.
All the incentives mentioned above are also applicable to regional treasury and financial management centers of participants actively operating in at least three countries.
Click for Istanbul Financial Center Law
Tax Incentives for Financial Activities
Financial institutions holding a participant certificate to operate at the IFC are exempt from the annual financial activity fee levied on their head offices and branches until 2028.

Transnational Trade (Corporate Tax Deduction)

50% of earnings from the sale of goods or brokerage services will be deductible from a company’s income, provided the goods are purchased and sold abroad and the earnings are transferred to Türkiye by the corporate tax return deadline.
*** This incentive applies until 2031, after which the deduction rate will be reduced to 75%.
*** To qualify for the deduction, the profit must be transferred to Türkiye within the same year, and both the buyer and seller involved in the brokerage activity should not be based in Türkiye.